Autism Spectrum Disorders

At NITI we use a unique, targeted and individualized approach to integrate Neurofeedback treatments with Holistic Physical therapy. Our multimodalities approach includes Heart rate variability, LENS, QEEG (Quantative EEG Analysis) based neurofeedback therapy, mindfulness techniques, counseling, strategies and Holistic Physical therapy. The holistic physical therapy approach includes Movement based learning- Brain Gym, Pediatric yoga, Tai Chi for Rehabilitation and applying the sensory strategies.
At NITI individuals with Autism are trained to improve neuro-connectivity via neurofeedback, Biofeedback, LENS and Heart rate variability. While these treatments assist in developing effective neural pathways and neuroregulation in the brain our physical therapist works one on one challenging the right and left cerebral hemispheres to enhance and strengthen the communication with each other. We use movement, motor planning, motor sequencing to address these issues. Our integrated approach is unique because we work hand in hand during the same visit to reinforce connectivity as well as movement based right/left cerebral hemispheres communication.
Our intense integrated program for autism
This program leads to the same long-term positive results as our traditional, longer program, but at a significantly faster and intense pace. We recommend that kids come 2-3 times weekly for 12 weeks to get a jump start.
Our Physical therapists provide support for our patient’s parents to help facilitate integrating the gains the child makes into his or her functional aspects of everyday life.
Autism spectrum disorder can have comorbid or co-occurring learning disorders, auditory/language processing deficits, anxiety, and/or depression.
As an integrated therapy center we offer the distinct advantage of approaching the treatment process with a more comprehensive level of knowledge. We utilize the disciplines of psychology, neuroscience and physical therapy to offer a highly effective and intense treatment method without medication.
Our individualized treatment programs start with a QEEG brain map analysis which identifies the location of any abnormal brainwave patterns connected with the patient’s symptoms. We use this data to create individualized treatment protocols with neurofeedback therapy (EEG biofeedback).
Our multimodalities approach includes Heart rate variability, LENS, mindfulness techniques, counseling, strategies to help improve focus and attention and Physical therapy. The holistic physical therapy approach includes Movement base learning- Brain Gym, Pediatric yoga, Tai Chi for Rehabilitation and parent education.We recommend treatments twice weekly for 12 weeks.

Ideal Candidate for the Intense Treatment Program
- Families in need of a jump start to see progress to their child’s symptoms
- Kids who want to get a head start in areas of cognition, processing, motor planning and motor sequencing before the next school year
- Kids who are struggling in school and social skills or facing other immediate crises
What is ASD?
Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is considered a developmental disability that can lead to significant social, communication and behavioral challenges. Individuals with ASD may have difficulty to communicate, interact, behave, and learn in ways that appear to be different from most of their peers. Their learning, thinking, and problem-solving abilities can range from gifted to severely compromised.
The newer guidelines of diagnosing an individual with ASD now includes several conditions that in the past were diagnosed separately: autistic disorder, pervasive developmental disorder not otherwise specified (PDD-NOS), and Asperger syndrome.
Prevalence: About 1 in 68 children has been identified with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) according to estimates from CDC’s Autism and Developmental Disabilities Monitoring (ADDM) Network. ASD is reported to occur in all racial, ethnic, and socioeconomic groups. ASD is about 4.5 times more common among boys (1 in 42) than among girls.
About 1 in 6 children in the United States had a developmental disability in 2006-2008, ranging from mild disabilities such as speech and language impairments to serious developmental disabilities, such as intellectual disabilities, cerebral palsy, and autism.
Signs and Symptoms
Individuals with ASD often exhibit some early difficulties with social, emotional, and communication skills. They seem to appear repetitive and obsessive with certain behaviors and might not be willing to make changes in their everyday activities. Signs and symptoms of ASD typically begin to appear in early childhood and without early and effective interventions can last throughout a person’s lifetime. It is important to remember that these individuals have a very different way of learning, paying attention, or reacting to situations.
For further understanding on ASD and signs and symptoms please visit
LENS Treatment for Autism Spectrum Disorder
After treating severe to moderate clients with autism using LENS and specialized physical therapy techniques, we have observed the following improvements:
- Better attention and eye contact
- Better communication and interaction skills
- Better receptive speech
- Better social skills including impulse control
- More flexibility and improvement in obsessive behavior
- Better reaction time
Some of the Benefits of training with LENS and traditional neurofeedback:
It helps to re-train the brain and or optimize the functioning of the entire brain by removing barriers and improving the connections and brainwave activity in a certain region of the brain or among different regions of the brain. It releases the old stuck or abnormal patterns to create new and more effective, stronger and organized patterns.
Most importantly parents appear more hopeful with the outcome and motivated for a better quality of life.
Non pharmacological Interventions:
Neurofeedback, Biofeedback and HeartMath training.
If you or your loved one suffer from Autism Spectrum Disorder a quantitative EEG assessment (QEEG) can assist in identifying some of the underlying issues related to your symptoms. Our trained clinicians will customize a treatment plan that will include a combination of effective neurofeedback treatments (LENS and traditional neurofeedback treatments) with HeartMath training and counseling.
Training with HeartMath and learning to control anxiety can be truly life-transforming. The following are among the key benefits of training:
- Stress hormones decrease.
- Energy level increases.
- Decrease negative thinking and procrastinations.
- Improve overall quality of life.
- Improve test preparation / job performance
Neurofeedback training protocols are generated from the initial QEEG brain mapping. Training involves audiovisual feedback that involuntarily teaches the individual to self-regulate the abnormal brain wave patterns that are presented to them on computer screen in a number of ways.
Types of neurofeedback therapy used:
Traditional neurofeedback.
Coherence (communication) training.
Z-Score Training
LENS (Low Energy Neurofeedback System)
Make an appointment today to find out how QEEG guided neurofeedback treatments with HeartMath trainings can assist in improving functioning of an individual with an ASD and improve their quality of life.

Neurofeedback Helps Those With Autistic Disorders
Research on autistic spectrum disorder (ASD) shows that neurofeedback (EEG biofeedback) can remediate anomalies in brain activation, leading to symptom reduction and functional improvement. This evidence raises the hopes for a behavioral, psychophysiological intervention moderating the severity of ASD. Autism is a neurodevelopmental disorder characterized by a lack of appropriate eye contact, facial expression, social interaction, communication, and restricted repetitive behavior.
Can you vision recovery? From where I stand today, I can. Three years ago with a diagnosis of autism, it felt like I was standing on the edge of a cliff and the only way out was to jump. Take the leap to unknown. I promised to myself I would ‘try’ to be the best mother to this child that God has blessed me with. I kept pushing to find the missing pieces of the puzzle but not in any specific order. First one was ABA, second Speech, third OT, then I kept finding more pieces!
Play therapy, Food therapy, physical therapy combined with neurodevelopmental therapy, movement therapy. GF/CF/SF, low sugar, no dye, no color, omitting most excitoxins. Am I scaring you? Let’s not forget homeopathy, customized vitamin therapy/neutrigenomics, extracurricular activities, and sensory diets, all the screams, tantrums, going out to eat?! Are you kidding me? I still get a chill when I think about those days. An immediate panic attack. Oh’s going to happen oany minute, but it is so limited now. It’s been little over two months that we started QEEG guided neurofeedback therapy. Besides during detox time, when I feel I’m not going to see the end of the tunnel, I see the light again. I get kisses, thank you, I love you so much mom, I like your purse, I like your pink shirt, be careful momma or you will fall. These are all the words coming from my broken winged angel.
Neurofeedback (LENS therapy) is a big piece of the puzzle which is helping us to complete the bigger picture. Is it the last piece? I don’t think so but I’ll continue to look. I hope my words will give you the strength to believe that you can find ways to help recover your child. I’m not there yet, but we’ll get there and I know it will take time, but it is okay.